Being in the UK is significantly different for me. In the beginning, I didn't think that it was going to be very different academically. Coming from an international school in Malaysia, I was already pretty much exposed to the differences in culture and traditions. Ever since coming to the UK, my academic life has changed dramatically. Before, I never used to really study much because I wasn't very interested but I think since arriving here at Bellerbys, that has definitely turned around. I am now almost done with the Business Foundation Programme! It's an exciting feeling knowing that you're almost done with aonther phase of your life. On the other hand, the thought of leaving this place, my home for the past year, the people I've met here, the wonderful experiences, memories I have
 created, brings about an extremely upsetting feeling. Haha, I'm just thinking of something that's funny..when I was taking my IGCSE'S, I remember my dad telling me 'don't worry...this is the time of your life when you will be doing the most studying..it's almost over..after this, it won't be like this anymore..University is much better'..hahaha..look at me now...dreading preparing for the exams..cause it's just sooo muchhhh!

The breakdown of it all.......

I thought this would be my easiest subject, but it's actually a big fat headache. We've had to English every term. First, with FES1, and then FES2 and now the biggest 'MIGRANE'..FES3. It's so much of work to do. Maybe I feel this way because English is my first language, and I did GSCE'S which are equivalent or higher than the foundation programme English. I can understand why others may not mind it. For me, I just sometimes feel very demotivated and annoyed, but I still attend every class..because I know i'm not perfect. Anyways, FES1 & FES2 are over now. PHEW. with IELTS, etc. FES3 though is very taxing and time consuming. This is mainly because of the extended essay that has been taking up alot of my time. I was a little upset when I submitted my 1st draft, and my teacher only gave me a 22/25, when some others scored higher..because honestly, I put my all into that essay..it was so much of effort. He also had so many things to say about my essay. So many corrections, so many mistakes, that I almost just gave up. I had half a mind to just leave it at that, but oh well..I know I've worked to hard to just let it all go now. It wouldn't make any sense at all. Besides the essay, there is an unbelievable amount of coursework to do. Every class is important. We're always doing a listening or speaking task, which is quite stressing at times..there isn't really a time where I can just take the back seat. I know all this ranting isn't going to change anything, but it's like i'm lifting a burden of my shoulders..like this weight i've been carrying. sigh*..gotta thank Ms. Witherby.

I actually like Econs. With econs, we had Econs 1 and 2. It was broken down into two different modules. Having completed both modules, I find economics very interesting because it relates to life on a daily basis. There are some things that you learn, and you sometimes think to yourself, there is never going to be a day of my life.where this is going to come in handy. But, economics is quite the opposite. I enjoyed classes, where I learned the basics of supply and demand curves right up to more important issues such as inflation and unemployment. Apart from being an interesting subject itself, I think the person who teaching it makes a significant difference in how the student feels towards the subject or how the students perform during classes. I had Mr.Grey and Mr. Goodwin, who were both very pleasing. They made the lesson interesting and worth attending. The style in which they adopted to teach also suited my learning  abilities. I was able to understand everything in great depth, and I also did extremely well in my exams. For Econs1, I scored 98% and for Econs2, 88%. I was a little upset with the 88%, because I believe that I could have done much better. In uni, I am most probably going to major in Economics & Finance..hmm hope i'm making the right choice.. oh well..

124243545 352353 Numbers, numbers and numbers...Formulas, formulas..and more formulas. Maths has always been a challenge for me. I struggle so much sometimes that I get so angry. I mean if I think about it, Math should be easy because all you have to do is put some logic into it and follow the formula, and do it STEP BY STEP. But, for some reason, whenever I manage to do a question right...it puts a smile on my face..makes me feel happy. I guess it's some sort of satisfaction fulfillment..it's the comfort of knowing i'm not an absolute DODO! Mr.Jepps is a pretty good teacher, because he always explains it to you 
no matter how many times you DON'T get it! lol...The annoying thing about math is that the only way to improve is to practice. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. yea yea..i know that. I also know PRACTICE TAKES VALUABLE TIME! lol.hmmm...life...sigh..anyways at least i'm done with maths now.I still remember the little 'business maths' textbook..what a useless book..didn't really help any of us much.oh well. i aced it with a 94%..WOOOT! YAY ME..danggg im a nerd! :( but i still have a life..seriously..if you know me..you'll know that I do.

MR TOMPKINS! hahaha...thank you so much for repeating the same lesson like 3 times until every person in the class practically became experts. I love accounts though. Nothing beats the feeling of having a balanced trading, profit & loss account or balance sheet. Dang..I feel like i'm contradicting myself..I am a GEEK! But, I have to geek out for accounts because I'm planning to become an accountant. It's going to be crunching odd numbers at odd times. lol how exciting. okay actually it isn't that exciting. No offense to Mr Tompkins, but he was a really boring teacher. A very nice man, but boring teacher. Oh well, I still remember looking across the classroom and seeing lawrence dozing off haha. Not only lawrence, almost half the class would be dead. The accounts module was practically a revision for me as I had already previously learned everything in high school for IGCSE'S. It was a good thing I had the revision though, because I was forgetting everything. It was all a slight blur in the beginning, but I caught up, thankfully. 

Computers! The first week of CIT was my worst I think. I suck at presentations. I am terrible in front of a crowd. Just incapable i tell you. Bad enough, I was so nervous, the random sampling had to pick me to go first! how unlucky can i get? It was as bad as I thought it would be. But, I was glad to be done with it. Not long after, I found out that we had to another one! I was saying to myself 'oh no'. It just made me feel so conscious about myself, the way I spoke, the way I looked. I thought that it wouldn't be that difficult because I've been with my classmates for almost a year now. I have to say that the second business presentation was a little better though. I did not know which company to choose though and somehow ended up with NIKE. oh well..it was alright. Nothing to shout about really. I really like Anastasia's presentation on Apple Inc though. It was so vibrant and captivating. Oh yeahh..one more thing..the random sampling picked me to go first again. Seriously, is it me or the thing? I was like 'are you serious'. But thankfully, Ms Witherby understood my pain and chose someone else. PHEWW. After completing powerpoint, we moved on to Excel...which was much better really..I preferred using formulas, creating pie charts, using figures. daymn I am a GEEK. Ms Witherby was absent for quite a while during this period. I think she hurt herself or something..but she is all good now.
Thank God. We had Mr Heuson step in while she was away. I didn't like it in the beginning because the teaching style was different but i got used to it eventually. Finishing excel was another heavy load off my shoulders. Finishing each part of the module was a relief. Microsoft Word was quite interesting because I learned some important things that would be useful for me in University such as how to make Indexes and Table of Contents, Referencing, footnotes and more. I was quite impressed with that. Sometimes CIT class is a little stressful as you have to finish the given worksheet within the hour. So it's all work and NO PLAY :( The leaflet came next, where I created a leaflet for a Malaysian restaurant called 'home sweet home'. It wasn't too bad but I didn't like it..only because I didn't like mine. Some of my classmates did such beautiful ones. But, i've faced it..im artistically challenged..oh well...and now finally..we're doing a BLOG! WOOOT...that's why i'm typing here right now! Never thought I'd ever do this though. But life is quite unpredictable..here i am..writing in my blog. lol..Once again, i think it's a cool assignment..but I suck artistically. I do not know how to make it look nice. ahhh

Our final exams are in less than a week, and I haven't really started studying seriously. I'm quite worried. I shall try my best to study hard this weekend. It's such a problem trying not to get distracted. But I will try my best. I am not going to give up now. I have worked hard throughout the entire past year. Well, I have a Business Exam on the 10th! I hope i remember all the key ideas and am able to do my level best.hmm i quite like this reflective journal..i just scrolled up and was like woah that's alot about 'learning'. GEEK ALERT!!! and i better publish this thing before it crashes on me!